Finds the optimal regulariztion parameters using cross-validation for edgenet. We use the BOBYQA algorithm to find the optimial regularization parameters in a cross-validation framework.

  G.X = NULL,
  G.Y = NULL,
  lambda = NA_real_,
  psigx = NA_real_,
  psigy = NA_real_,
  thresh = 1e-05,
  maxit = 1e+05,
  learning.rate = 0.01,
  family = gaussian,
  optim.maxit = 100,
  optim.thresh = 0.01,
  nfolds = 10

# S4 method for matrix,numeric
  G.X = NULL,
  G.Y = NULL,
  lambda = NA_real_,
  psigx = NA_real_,
  psigy = NA_real_,
  thresh = 1e-05,
  maxit = 1e+05,
  learning.rate = 0.01,
  family = gaussian,
  optim.maxit = 100,
  optim.thresh = 0.01,
  nfolds = 10

# S4 method for matrix,matrix
  G.X = NULL,
  G.Y = NULL,
  lambda = NA_real_,
  psigx = NA_real_,
  psigy = NA_real_,
  thresh = 1e-05,
  maxit = 1e+05,
  learning.rate = 0.01,
  family = gaussian,
  optim.maxit = 100,
  optim.thresh = 0.01,
  nfolds = 10



input matrix, of dimension (n x p) where n is the number of observations and p is the number of covariables. Each row is an observation vector.


output matrix, of dimension (n x q) where n is the number of observations and q is the number of response variables Each row is an observation vector.


non-negativ affinity matrix for X, of dimensions (p x p) where p is the number of covariables. Providing a graph G.X will optimize the regularization parameter psi.gx. If this is not desired just set G.X to NULL.


non-negativ affinity matrix for Y, of dimensions (q x q) where q is the number of responses Y. Providing a graph G.Y will optimize the regularization parameter If this is not desired just set G.Y to NULL.


numerical shrinkage parameter for LASSO. Per default this parameter is set to NA_real_ which means that lambda is going to be estimated using cross-validation. If any numerical value for lambda is set, estimation of the optimal parameter will not be conducted.


numerical shrinkage parameter for graph-regularization of G.X. Per default this parameter is set to NA_real_ which means that psigx is going to be estimated in the cross-validation. If any numerical value for psigx is set, estimation of the optimal parameter will not be conducted.


numerical shrinkage parameter for graph-regularization of G.Y. Per default this parameter is set to NA_real_ which means that psigy is going to be estimated in the cross-validation. If any numerical value for psigy is set, estimation of the optimal parameter will not be conducted.


numerical threshold for the optimizer


maximum number of iterations for the optimizer (integer)


step size for Adam optimizer (numerical)


family of response, e.g. gaussian or binomial


the maximum number of iterations for the optimization (integer). Usually 1e4 is a good choice.


numerical threshold criterion for the optimization to stop. Usually 1e-3 is a good choice.


the number of folds to be used - default is 10


An object of class cv.edgenet


the estimated, optimal regularization parameters


optimal estimated value for regularization parameter lambda (or, if provided as argument, the value of the parameter)


optimal estimated value for regularization parameter psigx (or, if provided as argument, the value of the parameter)


optimal estimated value for regularization parameter psigy (or, if provided as argument, the value of the parameter)


names of parameters that were estimated


family used for estimated


an edgenet object fitted with the optimal, estimated paramters


the call that produced the object


X <- matrix(rnorm(100 * 10), 100, 10) b <- matrix(rnorm(100), 10) G.X <- abs(rWishart(1, 10, diag(10))[, , 1]) G.Y <- abs(rWishart(1, 10, diag(10))[, , 1]) diag(G.X) <- diag(G.Y) <- 0 # estimate the parameters of a Gaussian model Y <- X %*% b + matrix(rnorm(100 * 10), 100) ## dont use affinity matrices and estimate lambda fit <- cv.edgenet( X = X, Y = Y, family = gaussian, maxit = 1, optim.maxit = 1 ) ## only provide one matrix and estimate lambda fit <- cv.edgenet( X = X, Y = Y, G.X = G.X, psigx = 1, family = gaussian, maxit = 1, optim.maxit = 1 ) ## estimate only lambda with two matrices fit <- cv.edgenet( X = X, Y = Y, G.X = G.X, G.Y, psigx = 1, psigy = 1, family = gaussian, maxit = 1, optim.maxit = 1 ) ## estimate only psigx fit <- cv.edgenet( X = X, Y = Y, G.X = G.X, G.Y, lambda = 1, psigy = 1, family = gaussian, maxit = 1, optim.maxit = 1 ) ## estimate all parameters fit <- cv.edgenet( X = X, Y = Y, G.X = G.X, G.Y, family = gaussian, maxit = 1, optim.maxit = 1 ) ## if Y is vectorial, we cannot use an affinity matrix for Y fit <- cv.edgenet( X = X, Y = Y[, 1], G.X = G.X, family = gaussian, maxit = 1, optim.maxit = 1 )